The GuardianThe Guardian

‘You stand like an overcooked prawn!’ Why bad posture is the key to back pain – and 10 ways to improve yours

By Emma Beddington

08 Feb 2023 · 9 min read

Editor's Note

We spend much of our waking lives in front of screens, be it at work or at home - hunched over a laptop or phone screen. The Guardian provides us with 10 useful tips on how to straighten up.

‘If I was to draw a straight line across the left shoulder and the right shoulder, there’s about an inch difference. Your spine is twisted – you’re twisting it both directions. Look how that right foot is coming out slightly … You’ll notice that your knees are also coming in, there’s a slight knock knee going on on both sides – that’s because you’re also tilting forwards. So your pelvis is not only twisting, it’s also tilted.”

After five minutes walking on the treadmill in consultant biomechanist Tim King’s clinic, Cione Wellness, the news doesn’t sound brilliant. King works with world-class athletes and, thankfully, helps ordinary people with musculoskeletal and pelvic pain too. I’m here to self-consciously show him how my desk-potato body stands and moves.

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