The GuardianThe Guardian

‘A full house of the prince’s public indiscretions!’ What we learned from the Harry and Meghan documentary

By Stuart Heritage

08 Dec 2022 · 3 min read

Editor's Note

Today, Netflix released its highly anticipated series "Harry and Meghan," billed as a chance for the couple to tell their side of their story. The Guardian provides as with some early takeaways.

The first three episodes of Harry and Meghan dropped on Netflix this morning. Great. Whoopee. Lucky us. How fortunate we are to live in a world where the biggest streaming platform on the planet can offer up a punishingly long documentary series about a podcaster and her husband, which exists for no other reason than to make a lot of boring people aggressively defend all their pre-existing opinions online. What a treat. Anyway, here’s what I learned from watching Harry & Meghan. You’re welcome.

1. None of the good stuff is in these first three episodes

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