The GuardianThe Guardian

Three years on from Brexit, all UK voters are left with is a bitter taste of Bregret

By Polly Toynbee

31 Jan 2023 · 3 min read

Editor's Note

On the third anniversary of Brexit, Guardian columnist and longstanding Remainer Polly Toynbee claims there are signs that the U.K. is reuniting against those who campaigned for the U.K. to cut loose.

Today’s Brexit anniversary marks three years of political mayhem and economic calamity. It is also 50 years since Britain joined the EEC. Ten years ago this month, David Cameron made his shameless Bloomberg speech pledging a referendum to placate his party and Ukippers, who he had previously called “fruitcakes”, “loonies” and “closet racists”.

Cameron wrongly thought Brexiteers could be appeased, but they proved insatiable. The more harm their Brexit does, the more extreme versions they demand, chasing those impossible phantasms they mis-sold to the country.

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