The GuardianThe Guardian

Desperate to get fit but hate doing it in public? Here are seven ways to beat gymtimidation

By Joel Snape

30 Jan 2023 · 6 min read

Editor's Note

Gyms aren't always the most comfortable places - all the machines, mirrors and grunting can be rather intimidating. The Guardian provides us with 7 useful tips on how to get into the fitness groove.

Some things in life – swimming, public speaking, taking a radiator off the wall – are terrifying the first time you do them, but so fundamental to a better quality of existence that they’re well worth the effort. And so it is with the gym: though those first shaky reps come easier for some people than others, everyone is a beginner at some point.

Here, then, is your seven-step plan to overcoming gymtimidation – from crossing the threshold for the first time to becoming a squat-rack regular.

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